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Intermediate (7-8) Back To School Night Featured Photo

Intermediate (7-8) Back To School Night

Visit your child's teacher on 8/21 to find out more information about your child's educational experience. Rotation schedule is available on the flyer. Be sure to check it out!

Mission Statement

Mission Statement Image
Stanley G. Oswalt Academy promotes lifelong learning which empowers our students to be academically successful, global thinkers and contributing members of a world wide society. Our rigorous inquiry-based instruction is guided by the teachings of the International Baccalaureate Program with importance placed on integrating technology, foreign language and the arts to enhance student learning. We also focus our efforts to ensure that our students are communicators, respectful of others, and productive citizens. The school community works diligently to provide our students with the optimum learning environment so that we can support the whole child. We work to be the best school, public or private, in the area. We work hard to meet this expectation for our students, our parents, and ourselves. 

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