When a student is absent, parents should call the school or email the office as early as possible and relate the cause of the absence to the homeroom teacher.
- DAILY ATTENDANCE is essential in order for students to maximize their proficiencies in all areas. A student with poor attendance may find it impossible to meet the minimum academic standards, and thus be retained. There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement. Students are expected to make-up work missed because of absence.
- ABSENCE VERIFICATIONS: If a valid parent call is received, the student does not have to bring a note to clear the absence. The school will make every effort to call as many parents of absent students as possible. However, if parents do not call the school, or are not contacted by the attendance office, an excuse, written by the parent or guardian, must be presented to the attendance office on the day the student returns to school following an absence. Students will have forty-eight (48) hours from the time they return to clear an absence. Absences that are not verified within that time will be listed as truancies. Excuses must be dated, state the exact reason, and be signed by the parent or guardian.
- EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: By state law, excused absences are only issued for students who are absent because of illness, a doctor or dental appointment, or death in the immediate family. All other absences are considered unexcused.
- TRUANCY (R 5-5113.1) – State law requires all students to be in school daily unless out with a valid excuse. An attendance supervisor or designee, peace officer, or school administrator or designee, may arrest or assume temporary custody, during school hours, of any minor student found away from his/her home, who is absent from school without a valid excuse. Any person so arresting or assuming temporary custody shall deliver the student to the school and make reports in accordance with Education Code, §§ 48265 and 48266. Upon receiving a complaint from any person that a parent/guardian has violated the state compulsory education laws contained in Education Code, §§ 48200 – 48341, the Governing Board or attendance supervisor shall make a full and impartial investigation of all charges. If it appears upon investigation that the parent/guardian has violated these laws, the Superintendent or designee shall refer such parent/guardian to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
The following steps shall be implemented based on the number of truancies committed by the student:
- Students shall be classified as truant if absent from school without a valid excuse three (3) full days in one (1) school year, or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three (3) occasions in one (1) school year, or any combination thereof. Such students shall be reported to the Superintendent or designee.
- The parent/guardian of a student classified as truant shall be notified of the following:
- The student is truant.
- The parent/guardian is obligated to compel the student to attend school.
- The parent/guardian who fails to meet this obligation may be guilty of an infraction of the law, and subject to prosecution pursuant to Education Code, §§48290 – 48296.