Let’s Compare
Count two sets of coins, then compare them with < > or =
Awesome practice for an important concept!!
Reminder: < less than, greater than >, = equals
Count U.S. Coins
Practice with equivalent amounts
Which Coin?
Check the top row and click on the coin to complete the amount.
Counting Money
Money Matching
Match equivalent amounts of coins
Challenge: Do it in the least number of moves!
Shopping Spree
Match amounts to costs of items - good beginning game
Change It!
Lots of ways for teachers, parents, and students
to individualize practice
Adding Money
Demonstration with dollar signs and decimal point
Change Maker
Can be challenging!
Challenge Money
Choose Count Money or Match Amounts
Includes a downloadable Recording Sheet
Cash Out
Click on coins to make change amount. Then click on Give Change.
Math Jingles
Listen and learn these fun jingles!
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters
Make Change
Especially for Teachers and Parents
Grade 2 Math Activities for Teachers and Parents
Games and activities to help students understand money
Name That Coin
Money Match
Paper Money
Second Grade Math Skills
Scroll down for money links
Counting Money Worksheets
Money Clipart