Ms. Melissa Henley » IB: Do You Haiku?

IB: Do You Haiku?

Kenn Nesbitt's Poetry for Kids

Great year long poetry resource! 


Acrostic Poems
Make an acrostic poem using this site. An acrostic poem is one that spells a word going down. Each letter in the word is then used to begin a phrase or sentence.
Cinquain Lesson and Practice
This is a site from for cinquains that includes a lesson and practice.
A diamante is a poem that is written in the shape of a diamond. Use this site by to create your own diamante. You can also print it.
Giggle Poetry
This site contains funny poetry for kids.But it also has sections on : Ask the poet, poetry theater, a page on how to become a giggle poet, teacher links, and more.
Glossary of Poetic Terms
You can find definitions on poetry related vocabulary on this site.
Instant Poetry Forms
On this site you can choose a poetry form from a long list of topics, add your own words, and create your own poem.
This site by Ken Nesbitt has all kinds of poems to read, poem links, a rhyming dictionary, and more.
Poetry Writing with Jack Prelutsky
This site is create by Jack Prelutsky, a U.S. children's Poet Laureate. He takes kids through 4 steps of writing poetry and getting it published online. There is also a teacher's guide.
Shape Poems
This is an online tool by Read, Write, Thinkwhich students can use to write shape poems. The poems can be saved and printed. There are 5 different categories of shapes: Nature, School, Sports, Celebrations, and Shapes. The Shapes can be used for math poems as in the example. Lesson plans are included on the site.